Become a Monthly Donor for Tibet

Tibetans have been fighting for the survival of their distinct culture now for over 70 years. 

Now we've uncovered new evidence of China’s plans to control Tibetan Buddhism, and specifically target the reincarnation of one of the world’s best-loved spiritual leaders, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. 

The evidence reveals the extent of China’s scheme to control the heart of Tibetan religious identity. 

And not only target the Tibetan people but also the global community as a means to build more influence, and further reshape and undermine the rights of Tibetans.
We are building solid plans with global Tibet groups to combat China’s policies and the ramifications for the preservation of Tibet’s rich religious traditions.

The International Tibet Network Secretariat may be small in size but our work has an impact that stretches around the world. 

A small monthly donation from you would help give us the financial security we need to plan ahead, continue to shine a light on the oppression of the Tibetan people, and win even more campaigns. Can you sign up for a small monthly donation today?