Join Tibet Network

Since 2000 we support the work of member groups from all over the world with expert knowledge and advice, capacity-building training and strategic campaign plans, materials, resources, and more. 

Want to become a NEW Member of the Tibet Network?  Membership of Tibet Network is open to all Tibet-related non-governmental organisations with a commitment to non-violence. We respect the range of views and opinions of all Member organisations and believe this diversity strengthens our movement.

Please join our movement - Sign up to become a member of Tibet Network by filling in this form and contributing a membership fee.  

How much is the Annual Membership Fee? We do not charge a fixed fee from our members. Instead, we encourage all members to pay as much as they can within their financial possibilities.

To make it easy, we have developed a sliding scale to help work out annual contributions based on your group's income. 

How much is the Annual Membership Fee? We do not charge a fixed fee from our members. Instead, we encourage all members to pay as much as they can within their financial possibilities.

To make it easy, we have developed a sliding scale to help work out annual contributions based on your group's income. 

We have continued to keep the suggested scale as low as possible and it has been unchanged since April 2012.