Free Lobsang Jamyang

Lobsang Jamyang is a Tibetan monk and popular writer of poetry and social commentary, including on freedom of expression for writers in Tibet. 

He was detained in May 2015 and held in detention without charge for over a year. Information about his whereabouts and wellbeing were withheld from his family.

In May 2016 Lobsang Jamyang was sentenced to over 7 years in prison on charges of 'leaking state secrets'.

Lobsang Jamyang is a human rights defender targeted solely for using his right to freedom of expression. He has reportedly been beaten in detention; evidence shows that Tibetans are at a high risk of torture in China’s prisons.

TAKE ACTION: Call for Lobsang Jamyang's immediate release.


    • Alice F 20.09.2024 01:29