Hands Off Tibet's Land - Monthly Giving

We need to start something big. 

For decades Tibetans in Tibet have been fighting to protect their land from the destruction caused by China’s occupying forces. 

Mega dams, unregulated mining, urban development, eviction from their homes, destruction of their livelihoods - China has run roughshod over Tibetans' rights and enough is enough. 

Just a few months ago we saw streams of Tibetans in Tibet standing up against China’s might, Directly taking their resistance to China’s wrecking ball to the streets of Tibet - raising their voices as high as they could to tell China to stop its destruction of their land.

And now we must build this resistance. But we need your help!

We have big plans and the backing of Tibet groups around the world to build a strong, global campaign - targeting companies enabling China’s occupation of Tibet and the looting of Tibet’s resources, and drawing the world’s attention to China’s fake narrative that it is helping Tibet and helping solve the climate crisis!

It’s not too late to fix this. By bringing the global Tibet movement together to concentrate on this strong campaign to protect Tibet’s environment, and by taking on the companies that support China’s occupation - we know this NEW campaign can make a difference.

Plans are underway to make some fantastic campaign resources and materials, including a webpage, videos, action and media toolkits, flyers, and banners. We will also offer training and online sessions to bring the global Movement into the campaign. Can you help by giving a regular donation?

£5 could help pay for compostable campaign stickers
£15 could go towards the design of campaign toolkits for global groups
£60 could cover the cost of banners to be displayed by activists
£100 could go towards making a powerful video and call to action

The challenges may be huge, but together we can do this! 

  • Paolo P 16.08.2024 09:51