Help our success!

The No Beijing 2022 campaign is pushing back against China's hosting of the Winter Olympics and its attempts to' sport wash' its violent and large-scale human rights abuses in Tibet and all areas under its rule.

International Tibet Network has brought together hundreds of rights groups across the world for this campaign. United in our call on governments and companies not to support the Games, and to send a strong message to China that their human rights abuses will not be tolerated. 

These next two months are critical for the campaign and have the potential to build the Tibetan Freedom Movement and move our campaign for a free Tibet forwards. 

Tibet groups and supporters around the world are ready and eager for this concerted campaigning effort. And we know that together we have the power to make real change happen.

Please give what you can today to support the movement at this important time.

$15 / €13 |  Can help us organise a vital media briefing with Tibetan, Uyghurs, and other rights groups

$50 / €45 |  Can help pay for one of our 30 Days - 30 Action for No Beijing 2022 in January

$108 / €95 | Can go towards supporting a Tibet group to take part in the global action

$1500 / €1300 | Can fund January's 30 Days - 30 Actions for No Beijing 2022