Support Our Work to Protect Tibet's Children!

Earlier this year we broke the shocking news to you that Tibetan children - as young as four-years-old - are forced into China's colonial boarding schools - separated from their homes and parents just when they need their caring family support the most. 

After months of intense campaigning, we’ve started to see global political action calling out China’s sinister and politically motivated attack on Tibetan identity. 

We know categorically that these calls are linked directly to the external pressure from campaigners - pressure that has been built by working jointly and strategically across Tibet groups and with the committed support of people like you.

But we aren't stopping here! Protect Tibet’s Children is a major campaign for the Tibetan Freedom Movement and we are extending the campaign, pressing more governments to hold China to account and to stand up for the rights of the Tibetan people.

Will you support our work to help end China’s cruel colonial boarding schools by making a donation?

Your donation will help us:

  • Take the campaign directly to key decision-makers and ramp up the pressure on government leaders and United Nations human rights experts
  • Prepare ‘Protect Tibet’s Children’ campaign toolkits to help mobilise support
  • Bring global Tibet groups and Tibetan human rights defenders together to strengthen campaign action and bring abusers to justice.

Can you donate to help end China’s attack on Tibetan children?