CHINA: Re-Open Tibetan schools!

URGENT: We have received news that China has shut down an important Tibetan school in Golog, eastern Tibet. 

The school - called Gangjong Sherig Norbu Lobling - taught at least 1,000 students and was renowned for its work to promote Tibetan culture and education.

This closure is the latest in a slew of Tibetan schools that have been forcibly closed as we see an increase in China's colonial boarding schools that now house at least one million Tibetan children from as young as 4 years old. 


Please take action now. Sign the petition and call all on global governments to denounce China’s attempts to eradicate Tibetans’ distinct identity. Demand the reopening of Gangjong Sherig Norbu Lobling and the end of coercive boarding schools. Stand up for Tibetan children's right to their culture and education.

    • Chris G 01.03.2025 08:25
    • Jampa Y 28.02.2025 18:14
    • enty n 28.02.2025 17:03
    • tenzin c 11.02.2025 06:06
    • Gisela U 09.02.2025 20:59
    • Türkü M 03.02.2025 16:10